Visionary Explorer In The Field of Ophthalmology and Regenerative Nutrition For The Eyes,
Dr. Banker recognized that the
health of the entire body, as well as nutrition and attitude, has a great deal to do with vision, energy of the body and the aging process.
Dr. Banker's non-invasive approach to visual improvement combines techniques of Western, Oriental and Holistic medicine.

Her approach to Non Surgical, Alternative Eye Care integrates modern medicinal understanding of optics, refraction and
anatomy along with ancient techniques such as Yoga, Chinese Acupressure, Tai Chi, Ayurveda, Tibetan eye exercises,
Japanese Shiatsu, Chinese Medicinal Herbal Eye Care Supplements, and more - along with classic Western Orthoptics and
Holistic Ophthalmology.

Her associates work with people both on an individual basis and in group sessions and
classes offered several times per year.

Dr. Banker's personally trained associates will guide you through Self Help Vision Improvement exercises for your body and eyes
originating from all over the world, such as Bates, Ballet, Kinesiology, Polarity Therapy, Reflexology, Auricular Therapy, Energy Healing,
Anti-Aging Techniques, Manual Energy Transfer, Massage and more.

Called a "Modern Galileo" by the National Health Federation, Dr. Banker lectured throughout the country
crusading for "Electromagnetic Medicine" and "Natural Vision Improvement"

eyesight improvement
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